Summit Quest: Conquer the Trails with Sports and E-sports – Penang Hill 2024!

Join us as we relive the exhilarating Sports and E-sports Club hike up Penang Hill on 2/6/24! Nestled amidst breathtaking trails, Penang Hill beckoned adventurers with its scenic charm, offering one of its starting spots near the Penang Hill Funicular Train Lower Station. Our journey began with eager participants gathering at the lower train station by 7:30 am, brimming with excitement for the adventure ahead. With spirits high and determination in our hearts, we embarked on our ascent at 8:00 am, ready to conquer the trails.

As we traversed the path, closely following the train route, we found ourselves amidst nature’s splendor, with each step revealing new wonders. The trail, adorned with multiple rest stops and plenty of stairs in the first half, added to the thrill of the hike, even on wetter days. After 2.5 to 3 hours of exhilarating trekking, we reached the summit, greeted by panoramic views and a refreshing chill in the air. Surrounded by the lush embrace of the rainforest, we soaked in the beauty of our surroundings, grateful for the opportunity to connect with nature and each other.

The hike wasn’t just about physical exertion; it was a celebration of health and well-being. As we reflect on our adventure, we extend heartfelt gratitude to all who joined us on this unforgettable journey. Here’s to many more exhilarating adventures and cherished memories in the great outdoors.